For more than 40 years, NWEA-MAP (Northwest Evaluation Association-Measure of Academic Progress) has focused on improving learning outcomes for all students. They pioneer educational research, assessment methodology, rigorous content, and psychometric precision to support teachers across the globe in the critical work they do every day.
At Holy Spirit Catholic School the MAP Test is administered to students in grades K5-8th three times a year (Fall, Winter, and Spring.) This test is used across the United States to measure individual progress in Math, Reading, Language Usage, and Science. Academic growth data is analyzed to identify strengths and weaknesses in individuals.
Student growth is grouped by low, medium, and high growth bands. This test provides teachers with student skill deficits to help direct learning. Parents are given the RIT score (Rasch unIT) with the anticipated range of expected performance. This data is nationally normed and provides the school with diagnostic data used to assist with remediation and preparation of the school curriculum. Additionally, the Rasch unIT score may be used to predict student performance on the SAT and ACT tests for high school.
Holy Spirit Catholic School's student performance is outstanding on the NWEA test and continued growth across all students is a standard goal for all grades.